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Become a Governor



Our governing bodies work together to drive the vision and ethos of our schools, monitor educational and financial plans, and to provide support to the school in a way that is tailored to their priorities.

Each governing body normally consists of 8–12 governors, creating a balanced group with the right experience, skills and connections to support the school in achieving exceptional performance.


Become a school Governor

We are looking for new governors to support our schools. Our governors work closely with their schools to deliver the Northern Schools Trust goal that every student, regardless of their background or prior attainment, achieves a positive destination, be that a university place, an apprenticeship or a job – our No NEET promise.

If you have an interest in, and commitment to, improving education and would like to make a difference within your community, please register your interest in becoming a governor by contacting our Clerk to Governors, Sarah Stephenson.

You can also download the attached brochure, produced from NGA guidance.




Skills, experience and commitment required to be a Governor

Governors attend six meetings a year and are asked to support and enrich the academy in a range of other ways including:

  • Undertaking school visits, at least once a term, outside LGB meetings.
  • Taking on a ‘link’ governor role, liaising with other governors in the locality on areas such as finance, data, special educational needs and safeguarding.
  • Sitting on panels related to the school.
  • Participating in the NST Schools governor training and development programme.

We are looking for local people who would be committed to supporting the Northern Schools Trust’s goals. A full programme of induction, training and support is provided.